Here's what is covered in today's episode
- There are a ton of "submit" verses in the Bible.
- They were used to abuse me in my first marriage.
- I think these also have made men feel that they had the right to abuse & justify their actions with the misuse of these scriptures.
- But what people don't realize is they are reading the Bible (and even translations of the Bible) through a patriarchial lense.
- Don't believe me?
- What does "help-meet" mean?
- This word which Eve is supposed to be to Adam.
- Well, it's not the supporting, secondary, servant role you may have always thought.
- The original word in Hebrew is "ezer kenegedo". Ezer is used 21x in the Old Testament
- When speaking of Eve 2x in Genesis, it's translated as "help"
- Three times it is used to describe a powerful nation that comes to save the nation of Israel from their enemies
- The other 16x it's used to describe God as a military warrior, the powerful savior, giving desperate salvation from foes
- Is that how you see women?
- Is that how you see yourself?
- What if more verses are viewed through this patriarchial lense and we just aren't aware?
- What scriptural references do we KNOW for sure speak of female leadership even in the New Testament (sprinkled among the books including "wives submit to husbands" verses are found):
- Woman apostle
- Paul honoring the 10 out of 28 people who have been colaborers
- Woman deacons
- As a feminist myself, this material breaths life to my soul
- BUT, what if there IS something to this "submitting" thing in the 21st century, Christian marriages with powerful, feminist women...?
- What if there's an empowering message for both men and women when done "right"?
- This is a morsel of a much larger conversation, but God-willing it will leave all of us with a bit more of a softened heart to where God may be leading us.
This isn't easy territory, but I pray that it is an eye-opening episode for every listener.
It was my husband's birthday this week and I'm asking every listener to take 5 minutes to review the show!
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