Back 1.5 years ago, Taylor went through the men's program and witnessed God do some important work. Most important: in his heart.
But as Jesus says:
For from within, out of the heart of man,
come evil thoughts, sexual immorality,
theft, murder, adultery, coveting,
wickedness, deceit,
sensuality, envy, slander,
pride, foolishness.
All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.”
If the point of Delight Your Marriage is to help men and women get their heart right, then of course the rest would follow.
My encouragement to you today, is focus on the heart. Focus on surrendering your heart to the Lord so He can free you of all of that which you hate.
He is God and there is freedom with Him.
PS - If you're looking for changes like this, we would love to help you on a Clarity Call:
From another recent graduate:
MR Grad: “GOD is certainly using DYM [Delight Your Marriage] to impact lives.”
Before MR: “Some of the biggest struggles I was facing were that marital intimacy was all but nonexistent. That included emotional intimacy- whether I wanted to see that or not.
I have long struggled with pornography... My self-worth was in the dumps. I was always looking for affirmation from my wife and she from me. Neither of us delivered - neither could deliver enough.
After MR: “I'm taking ownership. This is my home. This is my marriage. She is my wife. Ours is a union blessed by God.
In taking my roles as husband, father, help mate more seriously, my whole family has begun to benefit.
The man's role is not to simply coexist, but to lead the marriage and family. I can make a difference in the family by leading to and with God.”