PII: Could it be possible, after the gorgeous ceremony and wonderful party, there could be sexual challenges on the tropical vacation? A story that happens too often, but is not often shared: Kellar gives her perspective on the let-down and challenges they faced after choosing to save sex for marriage. But she also gives a lot of hope and practical guidance for other who desire to live holy before the Lord. What she wish she had known, she shares with you.
All the links, resources, and show notes available at: delightyourmarriage.com/103
Check out Part I at delightyourmarriage.com/102
“JII” = Journey Interview, Part II
PI: After yet another heartbreak, culminating in a night of drinking and a miserable morning... made Kellar realize she wasn’t headed in the direction that would be fulfilling. She was ready to get off the rollercoaster of hurt. And God allowed her to take an opportunity to change her life around. Then she made intentional choices and met a man who she began dating and intentionally choosing saving physical intimacy for marriage. Hear her journey and be inspired in your marriage.
All the links, resources, and show notes available at: delightyourmarriage.com/102
Check out Part II (coming out next week) at delightyourmarriage.com/103
“JI” = Journey Interview, Part I
Has the romance died? Is it hard to remember why you fell in love in the first place? Today, we’re talking about how to bring the romance in your marriage back to life. I have date expert, Debi Walter, on to give a myriad of ideas, recommendations and practical steps to get your romance flame burning brightly. It’s vital.
All the links, resources, and show notes available at: delightyourmarriage.com/101
If you're single or married, I believe you'll get a lot out of this episode! How do you fall in love? What should you do WAY before you ever meet someone? How do you make changes that you desire? How do you make sure you'll be a good match for each other? AND how do you find this person? Soup to nuts, here is mindset and practical how-to strategy to truly find the love of your life, for keeps.
All this and more are covered on my solo show today. It's just you and me, helping you get to where you want to be!
Find all the links and show notes at delightyourmarriage.com/100