When you think about the women of the Bible who comes to mind?
Ruth, the loyal daughter who served her widowed mother-in-law. Esther, who risked her life to save her people.
The hardworking Proverbs 31 wife. Mary, the teenage girl who's heart was so tender before the Lord that He chose her to be Jesus' mother.
Yes. The women in the Bible are incredible and should be aspired to.
Did you immediately think of the Song of Solomon? Probably not. Not because she doesn't take up space in the scriptures.
Actually she has more spoken words than any woman in the whole Bible. But we probably haven't heard many sermons about her. (There's plenty of reasons why... a discussion for another time).
I'm joined by intimacy expert Dr. Juli Slattery from Authentic Intimacy. And we discuss the desire and pleasure of the woman (in the Bible) of the Song of Solomon.
God wanted us to hear and understand that desire. He wanted us to see the holiness in it.
What does this mean to your marriage? How can you apply this in your marriage?
My book---Delight Your Husband: A christian wife's manual to passion and confidence in oral sex---may be the tool God would use to bring light and joy to your marriage bed.
If you're at a place of desire for change in intimacy in your marriage, consider signing up for a free Clarity Call ($500 value!) where you and Belah will dive deep into what's going on in your marriage and help you uncover what is blocking amazing intimacy! She's currently offering this opportunity to podcast listeners for free! Schedule here.