My story...
Basically this is a show I wish I had listened to YEARS ago!
We all have ideas of what we'd like our husbands to do. But for many of us we have a very faulty tactic.
Instead of feeling cared for, romanced and cherished, we feel resentful, angry, and alone.
This is my story. How I started in marriage, what changed and what has happened. Now, who my husband has become is quite incredible.
Find the transcript at
PII: We're one flesh but clearly we’re different people. How does that work? The Bible tells us “therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh,” Gen 2:24. How do we do that practically?
We’re listening in to the second half of my interview with Ruth about what it means to let our husband journey alongside us. And be united at the same time.
All the links, resources, and show notes available at:
Check out Part I at
“JII” = Journey Interview, Part II
Ever wondered how to encourage him to lead? I continue this conversation next week. Check out my story “How To Get Him To Do What You Want” to hear my rocky journeythat has led to a lot of contentment and even (surprisingly the romance and connection I had hoped).
How often do you look in the mirror and judge what is reflecting back at you? How many times have you said something negative about your body? ...this week?
Or when was the last time you thanked God for designing "His temple” exactly as it is?
In today’s episode, we walk through someone else’s shoes to understand how it could be different. And why God wants it to be different.
Ruth Buezis has a heart for God and sex in marriage. She believes that trusting our beauty and worth matters to our Creator. And the way we feel about ourselves in sex matters to the rest of our lives. She didn’t always feel this way, not even close. Listen in for hope and healing.
All the links, resources, and show notes available at:
“JI” = Journey Interview, Part I
Sometimes even with our best efforts, because of our society it can derail our thought-life. Today’s guests know that all too well. Mordechai and Ilana have 4 children and are observant Jews, in fact Hasidic Jews.
Usually my guests are Christian, but I felt they had such helpful insight for us, that I had to have them on. It’s also incredibly encouraging to hear about the culture in which Jesus came and the background from which Paul wrote his letters.
You might not agree with all that is said and you might not want to include every idea into your lifestyle. But, I deeply believe this conversation will edify you and help you to love God and His gift of Jesus SO much more.
All the links, resources, and show notes available at:
Though I’m mostly talking about purifying your mind regarding sexual thoughts, this is what I would prescribe anyone battling challenging thoughts. I think we don’t talk about purifying our mind enough, especially in regards to sex. I think it may be because of embarrassment or because we think it’s not necessary to address it head on.
Well, this episode, I do. I address exactly what I wish someone had sat me down and explained to me when I struggling so severely with my sexual thoughts. I give you the why, the how and the science behind changing your thought-life towards what God desires.
All the links, resources, general transcript and show notes are available at:
PII: Could it be possible, after the gorgeous ceremony and wonderful party, there could be sexual challenges on the tropical vacation? A story that happens too often, but is not often shared: Kellar gives her perspective on the let-down and challenges they faced after choosing to save sex for marriage. But she also gives a lot of hope and practical guidance for other who desire to live holy before the Lord. What she wish she had known, she shares with you.
All the links, resources, and show notes available at:
Check out Part I at
“JII” = Journey Interview, Part II
PI: After yet another heartbreak, culminating in a night of drinking and a miserable morning... made Kellar realize she wasn’t headed in the direction that would be fulfilling. She was ready to get off the rollercoaster of hurt. And God allowed her to take an opportunity to change her life around. Then she made intentional choices and met a man who she began dating and intentionally choosing saving physical intimacy for marriage. Hear her journey and be inspired in your marriage.
All the links, resources, and show notes available at:
Check out Part II (coming out next week) at
“JI” = Journey Interview, Part I
Has the romance died? Is it hard to remember why you fell in love in the first place? Today, we’re talking about how to bring the romance in your marriage back to life. I have date expert, Debi Walter, on to give a myriad of ideas, recommendations and practical steps to get your romance flame burning brightly. It’s vital.
All the links, resources, and show notes available at:
If you're single or married, I believe you'll get a lot out of this episode! How do you fall in love? What should you do WAY before you ever meet someone? How do you make changes that you desire? How do you make sure you'll be a good match for each other? AND how do you find this person? Soup to nuts, here is mindset and practical how-to strategy to truly find the love of your life, for keeps.
All this and more are covered on my solo show today. It's just you and me, helping you get to where you want to be!
Find all the links and show notes at
If you have had sexual sin in your marriage, it's really hard to figure out who to talk to. Not everyone is safe. Today, Jen gets it. Her marriage suffered greatly when her husband’s pornography addiction was revealed. She helps us understand what we need in the midst of the crisis. Who we should be sharing our heart to (and who we shouldn’t). Listen in for hope and healing in this discussion.
All the links, resources, and show notes available at:
PII: When you have been through it, you have been through it. Jenny shares the second half of her interview where she talks about the big terrible things that can happen in marriage, but then what happens as you pick up the pieces of it all. How do you work through intimacy recovering from her sexual addiction? How do you rebuild a life after cancer? What does it look like to rely on God for your daily bread? Jenny is honest and speaks soothing balm to those who need it after the wreckage.
All the links, resources, and show notes available at:
Check out Part I at
“JII” = Journey Interview, Part II
Jenny knows what it’s like to struggle to stop & recover from sexual addiction, so do I. Today, we break the back of shame (the devil’s #1 tool) and reveal what so many others cover up. Jenny is brave to share a story about sexual addiction that is affecting at least 37% of women. We hear often about the men, but women struggle too. And it’s time we talk about the hope there is for women.
All the links, resources, and show notes available at:
“JI” = Journey Interview, Part I
If you’re not comfortable starting things off in intimacy, this is a discussion you don’t want to miss. Keelie Reason is on a second time to talk about what initiating has meant in her life and how she made a change. We dive into the practical realities of your husband’s sexuality and erections. We also talk about how to dismantle your hesitancy. And give you practical how-tos to get started.
All the links, resources, and show notes available at:
Insecurity steals the good things God desires for us. It can rob us of our God-given calling, a life-giving marriage, and a fulfilling sex life (just to name a few). Confidence is vital, in and out of the bedroom. I think there are a lot of reasons we as women need to learn to be confident. It matters, to ourselves, to our husbands and I believe to God. I’ll share why, and exactly what I think you can do to be more confident.
All the links, resources, general
transcript and show notes are available at:
Changes are happening with DYM and I want you to be aware.
Feel free to email me your thoughts at belah at delightyourmarriage . com
PII: 1 in 2 of marriages deal with chronic illness, and most of them are invisible (ie: depression). Kimberly shares what life is like when you’re dealing with constant challenge in your body. She has an incredible heart and really gives us wisdom whether we’re serving a chronically ill spouse or receiving their care. Spoiler alert: There is so much hope in this episode.
All the links, resources, and show notes available at:
Check out Part I at
We’ve all been there. You gave all the right hints. Shared all the right stories. And to your utter dismay, he apparently retained absolutely none of it. Well, today we’re breaking down the walls of confusion and hitting you hard with insights you don’t want to miss on exactly what your desire from your spouse, what he desires from you, and how to get what you desire. All of this in the context of biblically solid principles that will leave you inspired to be more like Jesus in your marriage.
All the links, resources, and show notes available at:
PII: When we don’t have a shared vision, everything feels important. It feels vital to win the argument, to get our point across, and to nitpick at the problems in our spouse. But, once we are intentional about envisioning a shared legacy we want to leave, everything comes into proper focus. Kimberly shares how creating goals as a couple has revolutionized the way she and her husband interact with each other. It was one of the biggest turning points in my marriage and continues to ground us as a couple. This episode is not to be missed!
All the links, resources, and show notes available at:
Check out Part I: Dealing With Anger at
PI: If your spouse’s go-to response is anger, it’s not easy. How can you guide the conversation into peace and even encouragement when it has such strong emotions? Or what if you’ve established a pattern of anger and hurt in your marriage? Well, today I have Kimberly to talk about the experience she and her husband went through around anger and how she learned that there specific ways to put your marriage back on track. What can you do to turn the tide?
All the links, resources, and show notes available at:
Have you been a victim of sexual sin? Porn, infidelity, or even past sin prior to marriage can put a wife into a whirlwind of hurt and pain. Kay understands that heartache, she herself happened upon her husband’s addition 6 years into it. How did she make it through? How could her marriage survive such betrayal? Kay, a trained counselor, gives amazing insights and suggestions for the wife who is hurt and how to move through that hurt into healing. This episode may be the hope you’ve been grasping for.
All the links, resources, and show notes available at:
PII: All of us face severe challenges in this life. And we all will (if we haven’t already) experience grief. God does give the grace to receive comfort through our marriages in the times we need it most. But it isn’t automatic and it needs to be fostered intentionally. This is the second half of my interview with Penny and she shares very practical step by step instructions on how to grow in your emotional intimacy together. She also shares what sexual intimacy is like during grief and how to help yourself and your spouse in the midst of that.
All the links, resources, and show notes available at:
Check out Part I at
Though none of us are promised tomorrow, there is so much pain in loss. And when we or someone we love goes through grief it can be so hard to know how to relate. 85% of marriages break apart because of some kind of trauma. Today we hear from Penny who bravely shares her experiences that have helped her to minister to so many hurting, because of what she went through. I encourage you to listen to hear how healing and grace can be part of your story of grief.
All the links, resources, and show notes available at:
We live in a comparison culture, but that is not what God calls us to do in marriage. You have your spouse. Heather talks about discovering who her husband truly is through intentional effort. And discovering who she is and how they tick together as a unit. We all have to refocus our energy on the gifts we received in her husband. Find out how.
All the links, resources, and show notes available at:
Check out Part I at
Have you had a desire or a dream that has been delayed? It’s amazing what God wants to do in the times when we’re waiting and the seasons that we don’t have what we’ve set out for. Heather shares the difficulty of her dreams being unattainable right now. The vision for her life is still in her heart but hasn’t happened yet. She shares about a trap we can all get in when we’re discontent and comparing our lives to others. And God wants us to be walking with purpose and contentment in the seasons where we aren’t “there” yet. Listen in and find out how.
Find out more about Heather and their ministry at
Click this special link to get a free course “Beyond "You'll Just Know": 7 Indicators You May Have Found the One!”
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