**Masculinity Reclaimed: Foundations course is starting Monday, September 12, 2022 -- it's on-demand training but will only be available for about a week, so register now: delightyourmarriage.com/menstraining**
I've been posting a lot of resources for men, so this one is for the ladies (and the curious men :)
I used to be very confused on what my husband needed from me. A lot of women that I have worked with feel like it comes down to a clean house, hot meals and happy kids.
And when that's not enough for him, it feels very unfair. That she is doing ALL of this and he's still grumpy and unsatisfied.
She may even have intimacy as a part of their lives, but he still doesn't seem to care.
What is missing?
Well, it took a while, but by God's grace through trial and error, learning from mentors, books and courses... now I'm at a spot where I can give you the keys I wish I had!
And I made it into a handy acronym so it's easy to remember:
Super simple. But, not easy.
See that's God kindness. I've noticed, that in order to love our spouse well, we wives have to deny ourselves and choose to love our God-given assignment (our husband).
And that choice, every day, makes us more like Him.
He's not like us, he's not designed like us. God made your husband unique and special.
And it's my privilege to let you hear from my husband and what he recommends to us.
Also, for the curious gents who plan to listen -- he's got some GREAT advice for you too!
I hope this blesses you!
PS -- Women if you want to go further in this, we have a community of women who support and love each other on this journey to heal their marriage, honor God, and love well. If you're interested to find out if this is right for you, sign up for a Clarity Call and a kind, empathetic Clarity Advisor will listen to your story and be able to give you guidance on your next steps. delightyourmarriage.com/cc
PPS -- For the men who want direction for your next steps, join the free Masculinity Reclaimed: Foundations course, which is starting on Monday, September 12, 2022.
It's an on-demand training but has lots of interactive bells and whistles. It'll only be available for about a week, so register now! delightyourmarriage.com/menstraining